SDC Enrolment Form
ID:0 | 13/10/2024 |
Recipient: Guest
Originator: Guest
1 New Enrolment
New Enrolment
2 Caregiver Details
Caregiver Details
3 Medical Information
Medical Information
4 Additional Information
Additional Information
5 Upload Documents
Upload Documents
6 Conditions
* Mandatory fields | 
New Enrolment

Please complete all fields in lower case with a Capital for the first letter e.g Mary Smith not MARY SMITH 

When you have completed the application, click the Save & Submit  button at the bottom of the Conditions screen, otherwise use the Temporary Save  button to save where you are up to and complete the form later (a link will be emailed to the address below). 

Guest Info

Full Name of person filling out this application *

Email Address *
Student Details

First Name *

Surname *

Known as (if different from above)

Legal Surname (if different from above)

Nationality/Citizenship *

Country of Birth *

Date of Birth *

Home Address *

Current school, select Overseas if not in NZ *

The student's year level when starting at St Dominic's College *

House request (optional) - we'll do our best but it is not always possible to be placed in the requested house.


Student's ethnicity *

Ethnicity 2

Ethnicity 3

If NZ Maori, choose up to 3 Iwi/Hapu

Iwi 2

Iwi 3

Main language spoken at home? *

Other language

Other language

Religion *

If not Catholic, state denomination/religion

Student Baptised *

Place and Date of Baptism

Please tick the Sacraments your daughter has received

Do you wish your daughter to participate in the St Dominic's College Sacramental programme?  For more information,  click here. *

Upload certificates here if you have them available:
Caregiver 1

Title *

First Name *

Surname *

Relationship to student *

Mobile Phone

Home Phone

Email Address *

Occupation *

Work Phone


Employer Address

Is this caregiver a past student of St Dominic's College? *

Does the student live with this caregiver? *

Home Address (if different from student's)

If living arrangements are shared, please provide details:

Tick all correspondence required for this caregiver: *

Willingness to support the College through:
(please tick all that apply)


Details:  (from question above)
Caregiver 2


First Name


Relationship to student

Mobile Phone

Home Phone

Email Address


Work Phone


Employer Address

Is this caregiver a past student of St Dominic's College?

Does the student live with this caregiver?

Home Address (if different from student's)

If living arrangements are shared, please provide details:

Tick all correspondence required for this caregiver:

Willingness to support the College through:
(please tick all that apply)


Details:   (see question above)
Caregiver 3


First Name


Relationship to Student

Mobile Phone

Home Phone

Email Address


Work Phone


Employer Address

Is this caregiver a past student of St Dominic's College?

Does the student live with this caregiver?

Home Address (if different from student's)